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Life after Military Service: How the Coordinated Veteran Care (CVC) Program Supports Your Transition Out of the ADF

At GO2 Health, we understand that transitioning from military to civilian life comes with its unique challenges.  

That’s why we’ve developed the Coordinated Veteran Care (CVC) Program, not just to provide your health support but to empower you towards a fulfilled, successful post-service life. Whether you’re aiming to jumpstart your career, further your education, or return to peak physical condition, our CVC Program is designed to set you on the path to success.  

why the cvc program?

Targeted Support for Veterans

More than just medical care, the CVC Program provides a bridge from military service to your new lifestyle, helping you to focus on what YOU want next.

Team-Based Approach

This means that YOU sit squarely in the centre with regular collaboration with your dedicated GP and our care team of health practitioners. Work as a team to plan and implement strategies that address ALL of your personal goals.

Consistent and Coordinated Care

Joining the CVC Program means you’re never just a number. With regular check-ins, quarterly GP appointments and a support system that understands veterans, we help you to stay on track—without getting lost “in the system”.

what to expect

Individualised Care

Your journey is yours. That’s why we tailor every part of your care to meet your personal, health and career goals. This includes routine check-ups and screenings to specialised referrals and mental health support—whatever YOU need for YOUR post-service life. 

Access to a High-Performance Team

Our holistic approach means you have access to an elite team of health professionals. This includes physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, dietitians, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and more, working with you to meet YOUR goals.

Connection with Career and Community

Life after service isn’t just about finding a job; it’s about connecting with mates. The CVC Program links you with community networks that can help you with job training, employment pathways and social opportunitiesall with a veteran focus that understands where you are and where you’ve been. 

Preventive Health Services

The CVC Program emphasises preventive health, such as health check-up services, cancer screening and heart health checks. We’re here to keep you healthy, not just treating you when you’re not. 

is the cvc program for you?

If you’re a veteran looking to steer your life in a new direction post-service, then the CVC Program is available for you—especially if you want to: 

  • Establish and maintain healthy habits. 
  • Navigate the transition from military to civilian health care. 
  • Submit DVA claims and know where you stand. 
  • Explore new career paths or study options. 
  • Maintain peak mental and physical condition.

take the next step

Ready to redefine your life post-service?  

We’re here to keep your health in check, provide DVA claim support as needed and help you kick goals in life and work. Let’s tackle this next chapter together! 

Life after Military Service: How the Coordinated Veteran Care (CVC) Program Supports Your Transition Out of the ADF